Pankarti was an influential punk rock band in ex-Yugoslavia. 45 years after their first album Dolgcajt they will have 3 concerts (Zagreb 1.3.2025 @Tvornica kulture, Ljubljana 20.3.20025 @Kino Šiška and Beograd 11.4.2025 @Dom omladine). I joined them in Ljubljana, ticket 34 €. The last time I heard them play live was in Tivoli almost 18 years ago.

That evening I had a lecture so I was late, again my sister’s car, no parking but at least there was no rain. Ivan was there with the crew but I didn’t catch them. A wide spectrum of visitors was there from primary school to pensionists. I went into Katedrala for Prulers, a local bend from the end of the ’80s, they were on stage from 20:15 and they were on for half an hour. In the break, I went for a drink, 4 €

Soon Pankrt was on, without any intro, they started with Ljubica song. Pero Lovšin (Gnus) was showing good energy in spike his almost 70 years. The crowd woke around the middle of the concert with songs Gospodar, Anarhist, Metka. There are some antiwar and pro-Gaza messages. A few fans climbed the stage, but no problems were there. After Osmi dan break for beer-fans. Few more songs on Encore and it was time to go home after a bit more than 1.5 hours of their performance.


  • Zelenye berega peysažov/Ljubica
  • Kdo so ti ljudje
  • Lepi in prazni
  • Jest sem na liniji
  • Sedemnajst
  • ZK pank
  • Počitnice na morju
  • Gospodar
  • Vodja
  • Anarhist
  • Metka
  • Živ spomenik neumnosti
  • Sivi in črni
  • Udarnik sle
  • Totalna revolucija
  • Bandiera rossa
  • Punca ne še umret
  • Zadnja ljubezenska pesem
  • Umazane igre
  • Za železno zaveso
  • Osmi dan
  • Encore:
  • Zvečer v mestu
  • Lublana je bulana
  • Adijo Ljubljana
  • Encore 2:
  • Podgane iz Ljubljane

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