
Delivering an exceptional guest experience in today’s digital era is a complex and demanding task for hoteliers. It encompasses more than just providing appropriate amenities and comfortable accommodations. As discussed in the recent Shiji Insights podcast episode featuring Fernanda de Herralde, the Front Office Manager at Sir Victor, part of the Sircle Collection, the hotel industry’s emphasis has pivoted towards establishing seamless, personalized experiences from the point of check-in to check-out. A critical enabler in realizing this vision is the Property Management System (PMS), which serves as the core of hotel operations, ensuring that each guest interaction is streamlined, tailored, and impactful.

Key Takeaways

Evolution of Tools: Over the past 20 years, hotel management tools have evolved from basic, manual systems to sophisticated digital platforms that enhance the guest experience.

PMS as a Backbone: The Property Management System is the backbone of hotel operations, centralising guest information and ensuring a seamless experience from check-in to check-out.

Integration and Flexibility: A modern PMS must integrate with other tools and systems to provide a holistic, personalised guest experience. Flexibility in these systems is crucial to adapt to changing guest needs.

The Evolution of Guest Experience Management

Over the last two decades, the hospitality industry has witnessed significant changes in guest expectations and the tools available to meet them. Fernanda de Herralde, with over 20 years of experience in front-office management, highlights how the industry has evolved from manual processes to highly sophisticated digital systems. She recalls the early days of hotel management when check-ins, check-outs, and billing were managed through basic programs with black screens and blue text, where reservations were often handled via fax.

Today, these antiquated methods have been replaced by advanced PMS platforms that allow reservations to be made instantly from mobile devices, anywhere and at any time. This evolution has been instrumental in enhancing the guest experience, allowing hotels to operate more efficiently and respond to guest needs with unprecedented agility.

The Role of PMS in Enhancing Guest Experience

Fernanda describes the PMS as the “backbone tool” of hotel operations, centralising all guest-related information and activities. This system is crucial for managing every aspect of a guest’s stay, from their initial booking to departure. It collects and stores historical data, preferences, and any specific requirements guests might have, enabling hotel staff to provide a personalised experience.

Fernanda emphasises that a well-integrated PMS is essential for ensuring all hotel departments can access and utilise guest information effectively. For instance, when a guest’s profile is updated with preferences or special requests, this information is instantly available across all departments, ensuring consistent and personalised service.

The PMS is like the backbone tool from which everything else emerges and everything else has to go to the PMS. Fernanda de Herralde

Integration and Flexibility: The Key Features of Modern PMS

A PMS’s ability to integrate with other tools and systems is more important than ever. Fernanda notes that modern hotel guests are not just looking for a place to stay; they seek a holistic experience that might include dining, excursions, and other personalised services. To meet these demands, a PMS must be flexible and capable of integrating with various tools, such as restaurant booking systems, museum ticketing services, and travel platforms.

This integration allows hotel staff to provide a seamless experience where all guest interactions, whether digital or in-person, are coordinated and consistent. For example, suppose a guest makes a reservation for a restaurant through the hotel’s system. This information is recorded in the PMS, ensuring that all relevant staff are aware and prepared to meet the guest’s expectations.

Personalisation: Meeting the Demands of Modern Guests

One of the most significant shifts in the hospitality industry is the move towards personalisation. In a globalised world where everything is increasingly standardised, guests appreciate and expect personalised experiences. Fernanda points out guests want to feel recognised and valued, not just another booking number. This is where the PMS plays a crucial role.

By maintaining a comprehensive database of guest preferences, past interactions, and special requests, the PMS allows hotels to anticipate guests’ needs and tailor their services accordingly. Whether ensuring a guest’s preferred room type is available or remembering their favourite wine, these personalised touches can significantly enhance the guest experience.

Furthermore, Fernanda discusses how the Enterprise Platform used at Sir Victor allows for a shared database across all Sircle Collection properties. This means a guest’s preferences and history are accessible at any of the collection’s hotels, enabling a consistent and personalised experience no matter where they stay. This approach enhances the guest experience and fosters brand loyalty, as guests know they can expect the same high level of service across all properties.

The Future of Front Office Management: Trends to Watch

Looking to the future, Fernanda identifies several key trends that will shape the front office and guest experience management. First and foremost is the continued emphasis on personalisation. As guests become more accustomed to personalised experiences in other aspects of their lives, they will increasingly expect the same from hotels. This means that PMS systems will need to become even more sophisticated in collecting and analysing guest data to deliver these personalised experiences.

Another trend is the growing importance of digital communication channels. The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards digital interactions, which will likely continue. Guests now expect to be able to communicate with hotels through their preferred digital channels, whether that’s WhatsApp, SMS, or email. A modern PMS must be able to integrate these communication channels to ensure that guests can interact with the hotel in the way that’s most convenient for them.

Lastly, Fernanda highlights the need for flexibility in PMS systems. As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, with new guest expectations and operational challenges, PMS systems must be able to adapt quickly. This might involve integrating new technologies, such as AI-driven chatbots, or developing new features that allow hotels to respond to emerging trends.

Conclusion: The Central Role of PMS in Modern Hospitality

In today’s competitive hospitality landscape, the guest experience is paramount. A Property Management System is not just a tool for managing bookings and check-ins; it is the central hub that enables hotels to deliver a personalised, seamless, and memorable guest experience. As the industry continues to evolve, the importance of a flexible, integrated, and sophisticated PMS will only grow.

Fernanda’s insights from her extensive experience in the industry underscore the critical role that PMS plays in transforming the guest experience. From the moment a guest books a room to when they check out, the PMS ensures that every interaction is smooth, efficient, and tailored to the guest’s needs.

Sircle Hotels are Shiji Enterprise Platform customers.

Watch the full video here.

About Shiji Group

Shiji is a multi-national technology company that provides software solutions and services for enterprise companies in the hospitality, food service, retail and entertainment industries, ranging from hospitality technology platform, hotel property management solutions, food and beverage and retail systems, payment gateways, data management, online distribution and more. Founded in 1998 as a network solutions provider for hotels, Shiji Group today comprises over 5,000 employees in 80+ subsidiaries and brands in over 31 countries, serving more than 91,000 hotels, 200,000 restaurants and 600,000 retail outlets. For more information, visit

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