These are the best Galápagos Islands to visit if you’re taking a land-based vacation. If you have started planning your trip to the Galápagos, you’ve come to the right place! Deciding between a cruise and a land-based vacation can greatly impact your budget.

After much research, we discovered that the best Galápagos Islands to visit on a land-based vacation were filled with sea life, colorful flora, and signature birds like the blue-footed boobie (my personal favorite) and Darwin finch!

The Best Galápagos Islands to Visit on a Land Based Vacation

Table of Contents

Galapagos Penguins

Why Visit the Galápagos?

Most people visit the Galápagos Islands to watch the abundant wildlife, such as the unique marine iguanas, sea lions frolicking in the water, and penguins. The colored sand on the beaches is another example of the Galápagos great diversity.

Because the islands are on the equator, the air and water temperatures are relatively mild. Although the water can get cold, on sunny days, there is no shade so make sure you dress accordingly. The islands are also famous for their geological significance due to its volcanic history.

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour

San Cristobál

Human Population: Approximately 6000

San Cristobal

San Cristobál is one of the best Galápagos Islands to visit on a land-based vacation because this is where you will see the largest colony of sea lions in the archipelago. The sea lions cover the beach in the hundreds sometimes thousands, and can often be seen lounging on a bench, on the boardwalk, or even on sidewalks! We visited at the end of May and were fortunate enough to see all the baby sea lions feeding from their mothers.

There are two must-do tours while you’re on San Cristobál. The first is the 360 Tour of San Cristobal. The 360 tour is by boat and offers excellent opportunities to see the wildlife around the island. Expect at least three snorkeling adventures where you will see green sea turtles, red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, hermit crabs, marine iguanas, Galapágos sharks, and if you’re lucky – hammerhead sharks!

The other tour from San Cristobál takes you to Espanola island.

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour


Human Population: 0

Espanola Island - Galapagos

A trip to the Galápagos isn’t complete without visiting the Albatross on Espanola Island. Tours only come from San Cristobal, so make sure you carve out a day in the itinerary for a day trip. The tours typically include land and water activities to ensure the most animal sightings. You’ll begin with a 2-hour hike to see the largest bird in the Galápagos – the albatross.

With a wingspan of up to 8.2 ft (2.5 m), the waved albatross is the biggest bird in the Galápagos Islands and holds the world’s record for longest wing span. The bird is up to 3 ft (1 m) long and weighs up to 11 lb (4.9 kg). This means the albatross is about as tall as your typical 4-year-old!

After the hike, you’ll be given complimentary snorkel equipment so that you can swim with sea turtles, white-tipped reef sharks, rays, and a wide range of colorful reef fish., and maybe even spot a marine iguana.

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour


Human Population: Approximately 1800

Isabela Galapagos Island

After we left San Cristobál we flew to Isabela for a few days. Isabela has a population of around 2,000 people, mostly living in the town of Puerto Villamil. One of our favorite tours on Isabela was to Los Tuneles, because we saw the most wildlife of the entire trip.

How to get to isabela from san cristobal

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour

Santa Cruz

Human Population: Over 15,000

Santa Cruz

Ahhh good ol’ Santa Cruz. It has the highest human population of all the islands, so this is where most of the action happens. There are tons of good restaurant options, hotels, and things to do such as ride bikes, walk the beaches, and visit the famous Charles Darwin Research Center.

Santa Cruz is the best island to fly into for a Galápagos trip because you can get direct flights from Quito. From there, you can reach most islands by boat.

If you’re planning for one day on Isabella, it’s worth taking a tour to see las tintoreras. You could also take a half-day tour of the famous las grietas on the island.

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour

North Seymour

Human Population: 0

Frigate Bird

Touring North Seymour is a must. Now home to nearly 2,500 land iguanas, according to a 2014 census by the Galápagos National Park (GNP), this island also hosts large populations of blue-footed boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, common noddies, and FRIGATEBIRDS!

We were so lucky to visit when the frigatebirds were courting the females. The males blow up their bright red chests to attract a mate. You can tell the two apart by the shiny, bluish-green feathers on the males. North Seymour is certainly your best chance of spotting these magnificent birds.

These are the Best Galápagos Islands to Visit on a Land Based Vacation

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour

South Plaza

Human Population: 0

South Plaza Galapagos island

Plazas Islands are off the east coast of Santa Cruz – North Plaza and South Plaza. You’re able to tour South Plaza Island, however North Plaza is only used for research purposes and is not open to visitors. South Plaza is one of the smallest islands in the archipelago with a visitor site.

Despite its small size, South Plaza is home to a wide variety of species and is famous for its extraordinary flora.

The main reason I wanted to visit South Plaza was so I could see the beautiful bright red succulent Sesuvium. Every year it changes from bright green in the rainy season to red, orange, and purple during the dry season.

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour


Human Population: 0

Bartolome - Galapagos Islands

Perhaps the most iconic photo of the Galápagos – Bartolomé Island is a volcanic islet in the Galápagos Islands group, just off the east coast of Santiago Island. It is one of the “younger” islands in the Galápagos archipelago. This island, and Sulivan Bay on Santiago island, are named after naturalist and lifelong friend of Charles Darwin, Sir Bartholomew James Sulivan

On Bartolomé you will hike to the iconic viewpoint where you can see Pinnacle Rock, Sullivan Bay, and six different islands.

The hike consists of a series of stairs leading up to the viewpoint. Bring lots of water, cover up your skin with sunshirts, and use LOTS of sunscreen. After the hike, you’ll have the chance to snorkel at Sullivan Bay. So you might be able to swim with penguins, marine turtles, white-tipped reef sharks, and other tropical fish.

Which is the Best Galápagos Island to Visit for a land-based tour? · 1. Isabela Island · 2. Bartolomé · 4. Española · 5. Santa Cruz · 6. North Seymour

Santa Fe

Human Population: 0

Santa Fe Island

Santa Fe island is home to several endemic species including the Galápagos hawk, Galápagos snake, a variety of finches, and one of the four species of Galápagos mockingbirds. Highlights: Santa Fe land iguana unique in the Galápagos, and the largest cactus of the archipelago.

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