
The ancient Indian practice of yoga has risen in popularity amongst health and fitness freaks in recent times. And there is every reason for that. I being a regular practitioner of this holistic system, have reaped immense benefits from yoga and can vouch for its efficacy. For those who are unaware, yoga has evolved from various approaches and techniques utilized throughout time to unfold the inner potential of human beings.

The key aim is to heal and grow towards better and positive health. A form of exercise that improves the overall health of individuals, including mental health. Balanced combinations of asanas (postures), body movements, pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation are what yoga entails.

Overall Benefits

From improving the functions of various organs and systems in the body to stabilizing blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, yoga covers it all. Further, it relaxes our mind, relieving stress, anxiety, and depression, while bringing peace and happiness. `Yoga Nidra’ is a very powerful type of yogic meditation that helps in bringing tranquility.

If you think that the benefits end here, you’re wrong! Additionally, this type of wellness also improves strength and flexibility in the body, cures problems like insomnia, relieves eye strain, and improves eyesight as well.

`Surya namaskar’ or Sun salutation is the most important practice and contains the entire essence of yoga. Every yoga master would have undoubtedly advised their pupils that performing 12 rounds of this 12-step Surya namaskar is sufficient for maintaining excellent health. That’s a big advantage for those who have tight schedules and cannot squeeze out time from their hectic lives.

Yoga is a fitness method that encompasses every aspect of the human body, mind, and soul, thereby transforming our lives. Though for it to be optimally effective, certain guidelines and rules have to be adhered to. These are enumerated below :

· Practise under a certified yoga instructor. This is necessary so that you perform in the correct way and avoid injuries or mishaps. Find out the best classes and enroll in that.

· Regular practice and consistency are essential to gain maximum benefit. If not possible every day, 3 to 4 times in a week proves beneficial too. Try to do it at a fixed time every day.

· Wear proper yoga gear and keep it solely for this purpose (including yoga mat)

· There should be a gap of at least one hour before commencing yoga. Mornings are the ideal time to practice, as it sets a positive mood for the rest of the day. Though evenings are also alright.

Every yoga session begins with a short prayer and `mantra’ chanting to seek blessings from the Almighty for perfect health. Instantly creating an aura for a fulfilling yoga session. Ending too is in a similar way, additionally with a gratitude prayer.

Once you start your wellness journey, it will be tough for you to miss any days!

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