Travel Health and Fitness

Post Last Modified – March 21, 2025 ¦

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Fasting For Seniors – A Closer Look

My wife and I have been practicing a routine of 16-8 Intermittent Fasting, for a few years now. Our 2 grown children introduced us to fasting, explaining the tremendous health benefits, that are associated with this practice.

Below, is a brief introduction and helpful guide to …

16-8 Intermittent Fasting For Seniors

from what I’ve learned from health professionals.

16/8 intermittent Fasting Guide – Is It Right For You

16-8 Intermittent Fasting For Seniors

As a retired senior and I’m sure for most of us in this category, we do become less active in our daily lives. Certainly now a days, compared to when we went off to work each and every day.

It’s only natural for most of us at this stage of our lives, to be less active as we age. Even golfing every day for example, just doesn’t take the place of a; busy, daily work routine. You naturally, burn more calories during your work day because you’re more active.

So, unless you’re careful and cut down on your calorie intake, most of us will gain weight. Unfortunately, it’s not the type of weight you want to gain either. Visceral fat or Belly fat, is typically what we see in aging adults.

This is very unhealthy, and can lead to chronic disease.

healthy seniors

Fortunately, there are ways to combat excess weight gain as we age. Proper diet, daily exercise and being active, are crucial for living long healthy life. I’ve exercised and worked out daily for years and still do, each day. But even continuing to do this after retirement, had led to weight gain. What has changed for me in the last few years, is; 16/8 Intermittent Fasting.

Intermittent Fasting – The Latest Craze

Senior Lady Throwing Flowers

Photo by Italo Melo from Pexels

Fasting has been well documented and practiced for thousands of years. A number of religions and cultures around the world, practice regular fasting. It is and always has been, a part of their daily way of life.

The health benefits associated with fasting, are remarkable for many. Fasting in the last few years, is beginning to become more popular in the western world. 16/8 intermittent fasting, is one of the most popular ways to fast.

Its claim to fame is that it’s … Easy to Do!

This is because for many hours while you are fasting, you’re actually sleeping. You fast for 16 hours and then eat, for 8. It’s that easy and the benefits can be amazing for many individuals.

16/8 Intermittent Fasting Results – The Benefits

Smiling Senior Man

Photo Courtesy of Pexels Adobe Stock

When our kids suggested we try fasting, I decided to have a closer look. I did a quick Google Search on Intermittent Fasting, and came up with a surprising – 66 million results!

I was amazed to say the least, how popular this eating practice was. I started researching more and reading numerous articles about the health benefits associated with fasting. Did you know that the word; {Breakfast}, is where one … Breaks Fast, or breaks from fasting.


“These include reduced body weight, reduced body fat, reduced cholesterol, better glucose control, reduced liver fat, increased endurance and better motor coordination.”

Wow, this is just to name of few of the many benefits obtained from fasting. For those with diabetes, it has even cured many from taking insulin and/or, reduced their insulin dosage greatly.

16/8 Intermittent Fasting Success Stories

Dr Jason Fung

I began following and reading Doctor Jason Fung’s articles and videos on fasting. Doctor Jason Fung is a Canadian nephrologist (kidney specialist). He’s a world-leading expert on intermittent fasting and low carb, especially for treating people with type 2 diabetes.

You can find his website and sign up for his informative email newsletter. You can also read about some amazing benefits and success stories on his website at ….

 Dr. Jason Fung MD

Dr. Jason Fung is also the author of “The Obesity Code.” He states fasting can be easily incorporated into anyone’s daily routine.

“Anytime you’re not eating is a fast — anything above four hours is considered fasting.”

By beginning the practice of fasting, your body will adapt and begin to change naturally. Your body will begin burning sugar for fuel, to that of burning fat. Without going into greater detail here, just do a {Google Search} yourself, if interested.

It’s exactly what I did, after our kids told us about fasting and its benefits.

My Daily 16-8 Intermittent Fasting Routine

Breakfast Display

Photo by Natalie from Pexels

As you can see if you’re reading this post and viewing my blog, I love to travel. I want to be able to stay as healthy as I possibly can, so we can enjoy traveling well into our golden years.

I’ve sustained numerous physical injuries over the years, with a few resulting in surgery. I also suffer with arthritic pain in many of my joints. I continue to keep exercising daily and watch my diet more closely, especially as I get older.

Overweight Man Watching TV

Photo Courtesy of Pexels Adobe Stock

It really wasn’t until I began fasting, that I realized exactly what & when I was eating. Snacking in the evening hours while watching television, was not good. If it’s junk food you’re eating, it’s definitely not healthy for you either!

Here’s another example;

Sugar Cubes Photo

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

I love milk and drank loads of it every morning. It wasn’t until I looked at the label on the side of the jug, that I realized just how much sugar there was, in just one serving!

I have now switched to sugar free almond milk, for my cereal and morning coffee.

Oranges Photograph

Photo Courtesy of Pexels Adobe Stock

Like your morning glass of orange juice

Have a look at the label and check out how much sugar, that glass of OJ contains. Have a real piece of fruit instead.

Once I decided on a schedule of 16-8, the rest just naturally began to happen. I even surprised myself, that I could workout in the morning, before breaking my fast. I feel lighter and have more energy as well, when working out on my elliptical trainer.

Exercising during your fast period will even burn more fat, helping you to lose weight faster.

Woman In Kitchen

Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

I’m happy to say, when I first started fasting a few years ago now, I lost 25 pounds of Visceral fat. In just over 4 months time, the weight shed and without dieting. I’ve not regained any weight since.

I achieved this by simply fasting, watching what I’m eating more closely and exercising daily. If it wasn’t for the fact that I love my sweet desserts and a nice cold beer {more in the summer months}, I would have easily reached my goal sooner.

I still enjoy that juicy hamburger, but everything in moderation now. We make sure not to overindulge, or consume too many calories in one day. Especially when we know we won’t be able to burn those excess calories on that day.

Hamburger Photograph

Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels

It’s not a race, but just another tool in the box to assist in leading a long and healthy life, for years to come. My blood pressure has improved since starting and my resting heart rate, has dropped as well.

I also practice a simple morning routine of yoga stretching and meditation. Nothing serious, but just gentle moves to get the blood flowing and muscles activated.


I’m just a regular person, trying to stay as healthy as I can, despite my injuries. We hope to live an active and healthy lifestyle for years to come. No more snacking in the evening while watching television, drinking lots of water instead.

By adopting the practice of intermittent fasting, we have become more aware of what we’re eating. We pay a lot more attention to our diet and have reduced our sugar intake dramatically, as a result.

How Often To Do 16-8 Intermittent Fasting 


Final Thoughts Banner

I’m not a doctor or health professional, but I’ve researched and read countless documented articles, from leading health professionals and doctors, on the subject of intermittent fasting.

There are a variety of different fasting methods to choose from. Picking the right one for you and your lifestyle is completely up to you.

People fast for just a few times a week, for full days, multiple days and more. It’s up to you and what may suit you best.

Medical Equipment

Photo Courtesy of Pexels Adobe Stock

Pros and Cons Of Intermittent Fasting 16/8

Regardless of your health status, it’s always wise to consult with your doctor or a licensed health practitioner, before trying any new diet or fasting plan. Depending on your present state of health, it’s always best to consult with a professional, before starting anything new.

Below, I’ve included a link to an article written by a medical doctor on {Intermittent Fasting}. The articles is from the; Harvard Medical School.

Harvard Medical Publishing Logo

 Harvard Health Publishing – Intermittent Fasting

The sole purpose of my blog is to inspire older adults to lead a; healthy, active lifestyle. As well and of course, to inspire others to … Travel!

One of my all time favorite travel related quotes is …

Don’t Think About What They Say … Go See!

I Only Endorse Products/Services That Can Be Trusted & Verified &/Or That I’ve Personally Used!

Safe and Healthy Travels!

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All content and opinions are mine and reflect my personal experience only. This article is intended for information purposes only on the subject of Intermittent Fasting.

All personal photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.

Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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